A Taste of Africa

The Concept & Experience

The Taste of Africa Takeover Tour is a unique dining adventure that brings the vibrant flavors and culture of West Africa to exclusive dining locations across the globe. This private members club takeover adventure is designed to immerse members of prestigious restaurants and clubs in the rich heritage of West African cuisine and music.

The tour features a multi-course afro-fusion menu with a carefully curated selection of ingredients that highlight the diverse flavors and spices of West Africa. Each course is accompanied by an in-depth explanation by Chef Kwame Amfo, who shares the history and heritage behind each recipe.

The Taste of Africa Takeover Tour also features live musical performances by world-renowned West African musicians. From traditional tribal rhythms to modern fusion beats, guests can expect a dynamic and unforgettable musical experience that perfectly complements each course of the meal.

Why Taste of Africa?

The goal of the Taste of Africa takeover concept is to create a unique and immersive dining experience that not only introduces people to the vibrant flavors and culture of West Africa but also promotes sustainable sourcing and supports local communities.

By showcasing the best of West African cuisine with a modern twist, we hope to inspire people to appreciate and explore different cultures and cuisines. Through our use of fresh and locally sourced ingredients, we aim to promote sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and local communities. Ultimately, our goal is to create an unforgettable dining experience that brings people together and fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich and diverse world we live in.

The Menu

The menu curation is a careful and deliberate process that aims to showcase the best of West African cuisine. For example, we might incorporate popular West African ingredients such as plantains, cassava, yams, and okra into dishes that also feature more familiar ingredients such as lamb, beef, or seafood.

A major source of inspiration for Amfo are the fond memories of sourcing ingredients from his family’s backyard farm in rural Ghana. He spent many hours in the kitchen with his mother, learning traditional cooking techniques and family recipes and learned from a young age the importance of using fresh, high-quality ingredients in his cooking, and this passion for farm-to-table cuisine is reflected in his dishes on the tour. One of the unique features of the menu is the in-depth explanation that the chefs provide at every course, detailing the history and heritage behind each recipe.

This not only enhances the dining experience but also educates guests about the cultural significance of the food they are enjoying.

In addition to the food, we carefully curate a selection of musical pairings to enhance the dining experience. Our live performances feature a range of musical styles, from traditional tribal rhythms to modern fusion beats, creating a truly immersive and unforgettable dining experience for our guests.

The Lead Chef

Kwame Amfo’s love and zeal for the culinary craft is reflected in the consistency and uniqueness of his service delivery. Kwame brings more than culinary skill; humour, raw personality, and ambition, coupled with an exceptional eve and palette for food is what makes His companies Private chef company and Biishville brand among others uncommon.

The tour has already visited Lagos, London, offering guests a truly unforgettable dining experience. The next stops on the tour will include other major global cities such as Milan, Rome, Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Tokyo, giving members of exclusive dining clubs the opportunity to experience the best of West African cuisine and music no matter where they are in the world.

Cities Taken Over

The Process

The planning and execution process for the “Taste of Africa Takeover Tour” is a detailed and multi-stage process that involves collaboration between a variety of professionals. Here’s a general overview of the steps involved:

1. Conceptualization

The first step is to conceptualize the idea of the tour and develop a vision for what it will entail. This involves researching and identifying potential dining locations and developing a budget.

2. Menu Creation

Once the concept has been developed, the next step is to create the menu.

3. Logistics Planning

With the menu in place, the logistics planning phase begins. This involves identifying potential venues and locations for the tour, determining the equipment and staffing needs, and developing a timeline for the event.

4. Marketing and Promotion

In order to attract private members of prestigious restaurants and clubs, we market and promote the tour effectively. This might involve social media promotions and email marketing to potential guests.

5. Execution

Finally, it’s time to execute the tour: setting up the dining area, and preparing the food and drinks. Throughout the tour, staff members are on hand to provide explanations of the food and cultural traditions of West Africa, and to ensure that guests have an unforgettable experience.

6. Feedback and Evaluation

Once the tour is complete, we gather feedback from guests and evaluate the success of the event. This information can be used to refine the concept for future tours, and to make improvements to the overall experience.